Installtion and Getting Started
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Writing and Running Python Scripts
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
hello: First Python Script
myStr = 'Hello, world' # Strings are enclosed in single quotes or double quotes
myInt = 2 ** 88 # 2 to the power of 88. Python's integer is unlimited in size!
myFloat = 8.01234567890123456789 # Python support floating-point numbers
myComplex = (1+2j) / (3-4j) # Python supports complex numbers!
myLst = [11, 22, 33] # Python supports list (dynamic array)
How it Works
- By convention, Python script (module) filenames are in all-lowercase (e.g.,
). - EOL Comment: Statements beginning with a
until the end-of-line (EOL) are comments. #!/usr/bin/env
python3 (Line 1) is applicable to the Unix environment only.- It is known as the Hash-Bang (or She-Bang) for specifying the location of Python Interpreter, so that the script can be executed directly as a standalone program.
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
(Line 2, optional) specifies the source encoding scheme for saving the source file.- We choose and recommend UTF-8 for internationalization. This special format is recognized by many popular editors for saving the source code in the specified encoding format.
""" hello ...... """
(Line 3-5): The script begins by the so-called doc-string to provide the documentation for this Python module.- Doc-string is typically a multi-line string (delimited by triple-single or triple-double quoted), which can be extracted from the source file to create documentation.
- Python's integer is unlimited in size (Line 8).
- Python supports complex numbers (Line 12) and other high-level data types.