Insert {1,2,3,4,5,6,7} into an initially empty splay tree, then delete 5. Which one of the following statements is FALSE?
- A. 3 is the right child of 2
- B. 1 is the left child of 2
- C. 4 is the root
- D. 3 and 6 are siblings
Given two words word1 and word2, the minimum number of operations required to transform word1 into word2 is defined as the edit distance between the two words.The operations include:
Inserting a character
Deleting a character
Replacing a character
Input: word1= "horse", word2 = "ros"Edit Distance: 3Explanation:
horse -> rorse (replace 'h' with 'r') rorse -> rose (remove 'r') rose -> ros (remove 'e')
We can use dynamic programming to solve it.Definition:
dp[i][j] represents the minimum edit distance between the substring of word1 ending at index i-1, and the substring of word2 ending at index j-1.
word[i] represents the i-th character of the word
Which one of the following statements is FALSE?
- A. The edit distance between "intention" and "execution" is 5.
- B. When word1[i - 1] and word2[j - 1] are not equal, dp[i][j] = min { dp[i - 1][j], dp[i][j - 1] } + 1.
- C. When two words have the same suffix, the edit distance remains unchanged after removing the suffix.
- D. When \(i\) is less than the length of word 1, dp[i][0] = i.
Consider the following merge algorithm for skew heaps. A merge is perfomed using a simple routine: merging two skew heaps A and B, if the top of A is less than or equal to the top of B, A becomes the skew heap, its children are swapped and B is merged with the left sub-heap of the root of A. If the left sub-heap is empty, B is assigned to the left sub-heap of A.
A node p is heavy if the number of descendants of p’s right subtree is at least half of the number of descendants of p, and light otherwise.
The potential function is defined to be ** the number of heavy nodes.** Let heap A and heap B be a \(n\)-node tree.
Which of the following is FALSE?
- A. The only nodes whose heavy/light status can change are nodes that are initially on the right path.
- B. The amortized running time of merge is \(O(\log n)\).
- C. All heavy nodes in the right path of A and B will become the light nodes after merging.
- D. There are at most \(O(\log n)\) light nodes in the right path of a \(n\)-node tree.
B+ 树 all nonleaf nodes have between ⌈M/2⌉ and M children is wrong????
divide into 3 sub-problems of equal complexity \(N/3\) and conquer in \(O(NlogN)\) --》\(O(Nlog^2N)\)???
Which one of the following is the lowest upper bound of \(T(n)\) for the following recursion \(T(n) = 2T(\sqrt{n}) + \log n\)?
- A. \(O(\log n\log \log n)\)
- B. \(O(\log^2 n)\)
- C. \(O(n\log n)\)
- D. \(O(n^2)\)
To approximate a maximum spanning tree \(T\) of an undirected graph \(G=(V,E)\) with distinct edge weights \(w(u,v)\) on each edge \((u,v)\in E\), let's denote the set of maximum-weight edges incident on each vertex by \(S\). Also let \(w(E')=\sum_{(u,v)\in E'} w(u,v)\) for any edge set \(E'\). Which of the following statements is TRUE?
- A. \(S=T\) for any graph \(G\)
- B. \(S\ne T\) for any graph \(G\)
- C. \(w(T) \ge w(S)/2\) for any graph \(G\)
- D. None of the above
Given a 3-SAT formula with \(k\) clauses, in which each clause has three variables, the MAX-3SAT problem is to find a truth assignment that satisfies as many clauses as possible. A simple randomized algorithm is to flip a coin, and to set each variable true with probability \(1/2\), independently for each variable. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
- A. The expected number of clauses satisfied by this random assignment is \(7k/8\).
- B. For every instance of 3-SAT, there is a truth assignment that satisfies at least a \(7/8\) fraction of all clauses.
- C. If we repeatedly generate random truth assignments until one of them satisfies \(\ge 7k/8\) clauses, then this algorithm is a \(8/7\)-approximation algorithm.
- D. The probability that a random assignment satisfies at least \(7k/8\) clauses is at most \(1/(8k)\).
typedef struct AVLNode *Position;
typedef Position AVLTree;
struct AVLNode{
int data;
AVLTree left;
AVLTree right;
int height;
int getBalance(AVLTree T){
if(!T) return 0;
return height(T->left) - height(T->right);
AVLTree rRotate(AVLTree T){
AVLTree Tp = T->left;
AVLTree r = Tp->right;
Tp->right = T;
T->left = r;
T->height = max(height(T->left), height(T->right)) + 1;
Tp->height = max(height(Tp->left), height(Tp->right)) + 1;
return Tp;
AVLTree lrRotate(AVLTree T){
T->left = lRotate(T->left);
return rRotate(T);
AVLTree insert(AVLTree T, int x){
T = newNode(x);
}else if(x<T->data){
T->left = insert(T->left, x);
T = rRotate(T); //note: not T->left
T = lrRotate(T);
}else if(x>T->data){
T->right = insert(T->right, x);
T = lRotate(T);
T = rlRotate(T);
T->height = max(height(T->left), height(T->right)) + 1;
return T;
以上代码中,只有 insert
In the context of Divide and Conquer algorithms, which of the following statements is true regarding the "Merge Sort" algorithm?
- A. Merge Sort performs sorting by repeatedly partitioning the array into subarrays and selecting pivot elements for comparison.
- B. Merge Sort has a average-case time complexity of \(O(n \log n)\) and uses a divide-and-conquer approach to sort a list of elements.
- C. Merge Sort has a worst-case time complexity of \(O(n^2)\) and employs a greedy strategy to sort elements efficiently.
- D. Merge Sort is not suitable for sorting large datasets due to its inefficient memory usage.
A 的 pivot 是快排的,C 的贪心算法和归并没屁关系,D 的话,归并的空间复杂度是 O(N)
In the red-black tree that results after successively inserting the keys 41; 38; 31; 12; 19; 8 into an initially empty red-black tree, which one of the following statements is FALSE?
- A. 38 is the root
- B. 19 and 41 are siblings, and they are both red
- C. 12 and 31 are siblings, and they are both black
- D. 8 is red
After deleting 15 from the red-black tree given in the figure, which one of the following statements must be FALSE?
- A. 11 is the parent of 17, and 11 is black
- B. 17 is the parent of 11, and 11 is red
- C. 11 is the parent of 17, and 11 is red
- D. 17 is the parent of 11, and 17 is black
Insert 3, 1, 4, 5, 9, 2, 6, 8, 7, 0 into an initially empty 2-3 tree (with splitting). Which one of the following statements is FALSE?
- A. 7 and 8 are in the same node
- B. the parent of the node containing 5 has 3 children
- C. the first key stored in the root is 6
- D. there are 5 leaf nodes
- m 阶B+树的叶结点可以有 m 个key,内部结点只能 m-1 个key,只有根时当成叶子
- m 阶B+树内部结点最少得有 [m/2] 个 key,[m/2]+1个child,除了 root
- m 阶B+树叶子结点最少得有 [m/2]+1 个 key,除了 root
- key满了就中间砍一刀,取切割出右边第一个 key 复制到上面的索引结点,注意是复制
- 索引(内部)结点 split 之后是移动 key 往上走,而不是复制
After deleting 9 from the 2-3 tree given in the figure, which one of the following statements is FALSE?
- A. the root is full
- B. the second key stored in the root is 6
- C. 6 and 8 are in the same node
- D. 6 and 5 are in the same node
HW3 倒排索引
While accessing a term, hashing is faster than search trees.
- T
In distributed indexing, document-partitioned strategy is to store on each node all the documents that contain the terms in a certain range.
- F
数据库太大了,我们尝试讲数据存放在多台服务器,这就是 distributed indexing
term-partitioned 策略即一个服务器存放所有包含某些单词的文档
document-partitioned 根据文档的 id 决定该放哪个服务器
倒排索引(inverted file index)通过将单词或短语作为关键字,并将它们出现在文档中的位置记录在一个索引中,从而支持快速的文本检索。
When evaluating the performance of data retrieval, it is important to measure the relevancy of the answer set.
- F
data retrieval:数据检索/召回,relevancy:相关性
HW4 左偏堆/斜堆
左偏堆(leftist heap)和斜堆(skew heap),与npl有关,null的npl为-1,叶子节点为0,内部节点取左右儿子中小的npl+1
左偏树右路径长度为r,则左偏树至少有 \(2^r-1\) 个结点
反之,左偏树节点数为n,则右路径最多只有 \([log(N+1)]\)
The result of inserting keys 1 to \(2^k -1\) for any \(k>4\) in order into an initially empty skew heap is always a full binary tree.
- T
The right path of a skew heap can be arbitrarily long.
- T
Merge the two leftist heaps in the following figure. Which one of the following statements is FALSE?
- A. 2 is the root with 11 being its right child
- B. the depths of 9 and 12 are the same
- C. 21 is the deepest node with 11 being its parent
- D. the null path length of 4 is less than that of 2
We can perform BuildHeap for leftist heaps by considering each element as a one-node leftist heap, placing all these heaps on a queue, and performing the following step: Until only one heap is on the queue, dequeue two heaps, merge them, and enqueue the result. Which one of the following statements is FALSE?
- A. in the \(k\)-th run, \(\lceil N/2^k \rceil\) leftist heaps are formed, each contains \(2^k\) nodes
- B. the worst case is when \(N=2^K\) for some integer \(K\)
- C. the time complexity \(T(N) = O(\frac{N}{2}log 2^0 + \frac{N}{2^2}log 2^1 + \frac{N}{2^3}log 2^2 + \cdots + \frac{N}{2^K}log 2^{K-1})\) for some integer \(K\) so that \(N=2^K\)
- D. the worst case time complexity of this algorithm is \(\Theta (NlogN)\)
D。根据 C,可得 𝑇=𝑂(𝑁)T=O(N)。
Insert keys 1 to 15 in order into an initially empty skew heap. Which one of the following statements is FALSE?
- A. the resulting tree is a complete binary tree
- B. there are 6 leaf nodes
- C. 6 is the left child of 2
- D. 11 is the right child of 7
The function is to merge two leftist heaps H1 and H2.
PriorityQueue Merge( PriorityQueue H1, PriorityQueue H2 )
if (H1==NULL) return H2;
if (H2==NULL) return H1;
if (H1->Element>H2->Element) //blank
swap(H1, H2); //swap H1 and H2
if ( H1->Left == NULL )
H1->Left = H2 ; //blank
else {
H1->Right = Merge( H1->Right, H2 );
if ( H1->Left->Npl < H1->Right->Npl )
SwapChildren( H1 ); //swap the left child and right child of H1
H1->Npl = H1->Right->Npl+1; //blank
return H1;
A leftist heap with the null path length of the root being \(r\) must have at least \(2^{r+1}-1\) nodes.
- T
Which one of the following statements is FALSE about skew heaps?
- A. Comparing to leftist heaps, skew heaps are always more efficient in space
- B. Skew heaps have \(O(log N)\) amortized cost per operation
- C. Skew heaps have \(O(log N)\) worst-case cost for merging
- D. Skew heaps do not need to maintain the null path length of any node
A 是因为斜堆没了npl以及相关的计算,需要储存的东西少了
HW5 二项队列
二项队列,so easy
For a binomial queue, __ takes a constant time on average.
- A. merging
- B. find-max
- C. delete-min
- D. insertion
insertion 均摊就是常数时间
find-min 也是常数时间,find-max 比较难操作
merge 和 delete-min 都是 O(logN)。
Merge the two binomial queues in the following figure. Which one of the following statements must be FALSE?
- A. there are two binomial trees after merging, which are \(B_2\) and \(B_4\)
- B. 13 and 15 are the children of 4
- C. if 23 is a child of 2, then 12 must be another child of 2
- D. if 4 is a child of 2, then 23 must be another child of 2
The functions BinQueue_Find and Recur_Find are to find X in a binomial queue H. Return the node pointer if found, otherwise return NULL.
BinTree BinQueue_Find( BinQueue H, ElementType X )
BinTree T, result = NULL;
int i, j;
for( i=0, j=1; j<=H->CurrentSize; i++, j*=2) { /* for each tree in H */
T= H->TheTrees[i];
if ( X >= T->Element ){ /* if need to search inside this tree */
result = Recur_Find(T, X);
if ( result != NULL ) return result;
return result;
BinTree Recur_Find( BinTree T, ElementType X )
BinTree result = NULL;
if ( X==T->Element ) return T;
if ( T->LeftChild!=NULL ){
result = Recur_Find(T->LeftChild, X);
if ( result!=NULL ) return result;
if ( > T->NextSibling != NULL) //blank
result = Recur_Find(T->NextSibling, X);
return result;
程序填空题:Merge two binomial queues H1 and H2 - 题库 - HYLUZ
[程序填空题:BinQueue_Merge 3] - 题库 - HYLUZ
HW6 回溯法
Given the following game tree, the red node will be pruned with α-β pruning algorithm if and only if __.
- A. \(6 \leq x\leq13\)
- B. \(x\geq13\)
- C. \(6 \leq x\leq9\)
- D. \(x\geq9\) √
HW7 分治法
When solving a problem with input size \(N\) by divide and conquer, if at each stage the problem is divided into 8 sub-problems of equal size \(N/3\), and the conquer step takes \(O(N^2 logN)\) to form the solution from the sub-solutions, then the overall time complexity is __.
- A. \(O(N^2 logN)\) √
- B. \(O(N^2 log^2 N)\)
- C. \(O(N^3 logN)\)
- D. \(O(N^{log8/log3})\)
To solve a problem with input size \(N\) by divide and conquer algorithm, among the following methods, __ is the worst.
- A. divide into 2 sub-problems of equal complexity \(N/3\) and conquer in \(O(N)\)
- B. divide into 2 sub-problems of equal complexity \(N/3\) and conquer in \(O(NlogN)\)
- C. divide into 3 sub-problems of equal complexity \(N/2\) and conquer in \(O(N)\)
- D. divide into 3 sub-problems of equal complexity \(N/3\) and conquer in \(O(NlogN)\)
HW8 动态规划
Given a recurrence equation \(f_{i,j,k} =f_{i,j+1,k}+\min_{0 \le l \le k}\{f_{i-1,j,l}+w_{j,l}\}\). To solve this equation in an iterative way, we cannot fill up a table as follows:
- A. for k in 0 to n: for i in 0 to n: for j in n to 0
- B. for i in 0 to n: for j in 0 to n: for k in 0 to n
- C. for i in 0 to n: for j in n to 0: for k in n to 0
- D. for i in 0 to n: for j in n to 0: for k in 0 to n
这里 j 的依赖关系要求 j 必须降序
6-1 Programming Contest - ZJUADS_杨洋2024_HW8 (pintia.cn)
HW9 贪心算法
Greedy algorithm works only if the local optimum is equal to the global optimum.
- T
Let S be the set of activities in Activity Selection Problem. Then the earliest finish activity \(a_m\) must be included in all the maximum-size subset of mutually compatible activities of S.
- F
7-1 To Fill or Not to Fill - ZJUADS_杨洋2024_HW9 (pintia.cn)
Homework - Jianjun Zhou's Notebook (zhoutimemachine.github.io)
All decidable problems are NP problems.
- F
All NP problems are decidable.
- T
All NP-complete problems are NP problems.
- T
All NP problems can be solved in polynomial time in a non-deterministic machine.
- T
If a problem can be solved by dynamic programming, it must be solved in polynomial time.
- F
Among the following problems, __ is NOT an NP-complete problem.
- A. Vertex cover problem
- B. Hamiltonian cycle problem
- C. Halting problem
- D. Satisfiability problem
Suppose Q is a problem in NP, but not necessarily NP-complete. Which of the following is FALSE?
- A. A polynomial-time algorithm for SAT would sufficiently imply a polynomial-time algorithm for Q.
- B. A polynomial-time algorithm for Q would sufficiently imply a polynomial-time algorithm for SAT.
- C. If Q \(\notin P\), then \(P \neq NP\).
- D. If Q is NP-hard, then Q is NP-complete.
HW11 近似算法
An approximation scheme that runs in \(O(n^2/\epsilon)\) for any fixed \(\epsilon >0\) is a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme.
- T
既与\(\epsilon\)有关系还与规模有关系就是 fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS)
An approximation scheme that runs in \(O(n^2 3^\epsilon)\) for any fixed \(\epsilon >0\) is a polynomial-time approximation scheme.
- T
For the bin-packing problem: let \(S=\sum S_i\). Which of the following statements is FALSE?
- A. The number of bins used by the next-fit heuristic is never more than \(\lceil 2S\rceil\)
- B. The number of bins used by the first-fit heuristic is never more than \(\lceil 2S\rceil\)
- C. The next-fit heuristic leaves at most one bin less than half full
- D. The first-fit heuristic leaves at most one bin less than half full
HW12 本地搜索
Greedy method is a special case of local search.
- F
local search是从一个随机解出发,不断微调,调向一个最佳的解,每一步的结果都是一个解
For the graph given in the following figure, if we start from deleting the black vertex, then local search can always find the minimum vertex cover.
- T
Since finding a locally optimal solution is presumably easier than finding an optimal solution, we can claim that for any local search algorithm, one step of searching in neighborhoods can always be done in polynomial time.
- F
HW13 随机算法
The worst-case running time is equal to the expected running time within constant factors for any randomized algorithm.
- F
If we repeatedly perform independent trials of an experiment, each of which succeeds with probability \(p>0\), then the expected number of trials we need to perform until the first success is:
- A. \(p/(1-p)\)
- B. \(1/(1-p)\)
- C. \(1/p\)
- D. None of the above
HW14 并行算法
EREW does not allow simultaneous access by more than one processor to the same memory location for read or write purposes.
- T
Exclusive-Read Exclusive-Write (EREW)
Concurrent-Read Exclusive-Write (CREW)
Concurrent-Read Concurrent-Write (CRCW)
The prefix-min problem is to find for each \(i\), \(1 \le i \le n\), the smallest element among \(A(1)\), \(A(2)\), \(\cdots\), \(A(i)\). What is the run time and work load for the following algorithm?
for i, 1≤i≤n pardo
B(0, i) = A(i)
for h=1 to log(n)
for i, 1≤i≤n/2^h pardo
B(h, i) = min {B(h-1, 2i-1), B(h-1, 2i)}
for h=log(n) to 0
for i even, 1≤i≤n/2^h pardo
C(h, i) = C(h+1, i/2)
for i=1 pardo
C(h, 1) = B(h, 1)
for i odd, 3≤i≤n/2^h pardo
C(h, i) = min {C(h + 1, (i - 1)/2), B(h, i)}
for i, 1≤i≤n pardo
Output C(0, i)
- A. \(O(n)\), \(O(n)\)
- B. \(O(log n)\), \(O(log n)\)
- C. \(O(log n)\), \(O(n)\)
- D. \(O(n)\), \(O(lof n)\)