Chap 1: Computer abstractions and Technology
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- Introduction
- Computer organization
- How to build processors ?
- Computer design: performance and idea
- What you can learn from this course ?
- general-purpose 通用的
von Neumann Architecture (1945)
- Computation and memory are separated
- Memory that stores data and instructions
- Input and output mechanisms
- Instruction set architecture(ISA)
What is a Computer?
Computer is an electronic device that manipulates data according to a list of instructions (program), with capability of a Turing machine.
- Electronic realization
- A set of instructions in a well-defined manner --> general-purpose
- Execution of a pre-recorded list of instructions --> program-controlled
- Memory that can store instructions and data --> stored program
- Turing-complete in theory --> equivalent to Turing machine
Computer organization
Decomposability of computer systems
From a High-Level Language to the Language of Hardware
Instruction set architecture(指令集) ---- the interface between hardware and lowest-level software.
Lower-level details are hidden to higher levels.