Lecture 12.2 | Memory Hierarchy - Virtual Memory
计算机组成2024-05-16第9-10节 (zju.edu.cn)
5.7 Virtual Memory
Main Memory act as a “Cache” for the secondary storage(disk).
secondary storage是磁盘之类的,大容量,但不参与计算
Pages: virtual memory blocks
faults 即 cache 的 miss
- Page faults: the data is not in memory, retrieve it from disk
- huge miss penalty, thus pages should be fairly large (4KB))
- using write-through is too expensive so we use write back
因为fault的开销太大了,我们用fully associate
Page Tables
fully associate 设计并行检测,但是虚拟内存太大了,所以我们引入一个叫页表的东西
- Page Table : Virtual to physical address
- 保存的就是虚拟内存到物理内存的映射
- Stored into the memory, indexed by the virtual page number
- Each Entry in the table contains the physical page number for that virtual pages if the page is current in memory
- Page table, Program counter and the page table register, specifies the state of the program. Each process has one page table.
- 每个进程有单独的页表,不是操作系统维护
- page table register 存了页表的基地址,用于寻找需要的页表
Placing a page and finding it again --Page Tables
Page Faults
When the OS creates a process, it usually creates the space on disk for all the pages of a process.
The OS will find the page in the disk by the page table.
How Large Page Table?
Making Address Translation Fast--TLB
The TLB (Translation-lookaside Buffer) acts as Cache on the page table
TLB 即页表的cache
- 我们讲了内存的cache
- 虚拟内存有个cache
- 页表有个cache
A cache for address translations: translation look aside buffer
TLB用的全关联,fully associate
FastMATH Memory Hierarchy
TLBs and Caches
Possible Combinations of Event
Three different types of misses: TLB miss, page Fault, cache miss