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Review5.1 | Memory Hierarchy Basic

:material-circle-edit-outline: 约 148 个字


上面这个rotational latency怎么计算?

Programs access a small proportion of their address space at any time

  • Temporal locality: Items accessed recently are likely to be accessed again soon
  • Spatial locality: Items near those accessed recently are likely to be accessed soon

Memory Hierarchy Levels



  • Hit time:
    • The time to access the upper level of the memory hierarchy,
    • which includes the time needed to determine whether the access is a hit or a miss.
      • access time + check hit/miss time
  • miss penalty
    • The time to replace a block in the upper level with the corresponding block from the lower level,
    • plus the time to deliver this block to the processor.
      • replace time + access time
  • Miss ratio + hit ratio = 1

hit定义是,CPU读取 层级最近的mem 是否直接成功

Memory system
