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Buffer Overflow

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与 PL 比较相关,很多原因不会出现 Buffer Overflow

wiki 不适合作为文献被引用


Type safety

type safety and type soundness are the extent to which a programming language discourages or prevents type errors.

Java 就是 type-safety 的,其会在运行时实时检查各类型变量是否越界,即超出定义范围,而 C 是 type-unsafe 的,可以对定义范围外的地址进行操作,所以会出现 Buffer Overflow

例如 int a[10]; a[10] = 3,Java 有Runtime Array Bounds Checking,会弹异常,C 是 No Array Bounds Checking

Memory Management

C 需要手动分配、释放内存

gets, fgets, strcpy

strncpy 中,src 过长会导致 dest 没有终结符 '\0',可能导致segmentation fault

所以一般长度设置为 sizeof(dest)-1,然后手动设置 dest 最后一个位置为终结符

Program Memory Layout

// on .data
int x = 100;

int main(){
    // data stored on stack
    int a = 2;
    float b = 2.5;

    // on .bss
    static int y;

    // allocate memory on heap, namely ptr on heap
    int *ptr = (int*) malloc(2*sizeof(int));

    // value 5 and 6 stored on heap
    ptr[0] = 5;
    ptr[1] = 6;

    //deallocate memory on heap

    return 1;


段名 主要作用
.text 通常存放程序执行代码
.rodata 通常存放常量等只读数据
.data 通常存放已初始化的全局变量、静态变量
.bss 通常存放未初始化的全局变量、静态变量

Stack Layout


void func(int a, int b){
    int x, y;
    x = a + b;
    y = a - b;

func 被调用时,现在栈顶(即最低处)往下分配一块内存,然后依次压入

  1. 先压入参数,注意是逆序压入,先放 b 再放 a
  2. 返回地址即 caller 对 callee 的调用代码的下一行代码的地址,用于 callee 结束时返回 caller
  3. 然后压入 caller 的栈帧指针 ebp
    • 这个可以作为基地址,其加上偏移量可访问 retaddr,减去偏移量可访问 local var
      • image-20241013120134921
    • 不用实时 ESP 是因为运行时其在动态变化
  4. 最后算 callee 的本地变量


Stack Frame

  • The stack pointer
    • points to the top of the stack
    • RSP in Intel x86-64, ESP in intel x86-32
  • The frame pointer
    • points to the end of the current frame
    • also called the base pointer
    • RBP in Intel x86-64, EBP in Intel x86-32

caller & callee

call 指令用于调用,会先往栈压入返回值


下面是 main 函数,红框即调用函数的部分,先逆序压入参数,再使用 call,这里的返回地址即 1205


经过 Function Call 后,栈形如:


下面是 function 函数

不同格式的汇编对 mov 的定义不同


Prologue 部分,先把 ebp 压入栈,再把 esp 复制给 ebp

经过 Prologue 后,ebp 位置在 old ebp 底部,即可作为基地址使用


注意,old ebp 与 local var 之间是有空白空间的,别忘了 local var 是从低往高增长

Epilogue 部分,先 leaveret,两个伪指令含义如下

leave ==
  mov %ebp, %esp 
  pop %ebp

ret == 
  pop eip

即,先复位 esp 到 old ebp 底部,再通过 pop 弹出 old ebp,还给 ebp

eip 即 PC,相当于把 retaddr 交给 PC,回到 Caller

How to Exploit Buffer Overflow

我们针对的是栈上的 overflow,且是 32 位

A buffer overflow occurs when data is written outside of the boundaries of the memory allocated to a particular data structure

  • modify
    • return address on the stack
    • function pointer
    • local variable
    • heap data structures

Smashing the Stack

Occurs when a buffer overflow overwrites data in the program stack

Successful exploits can overwrite the return address on the stack

Allowing execution of arbitrary code on the targeted machine

因为本地变量是从低往高增长,所以我们有机会往高覆盖掉 ret addr


  • The user input buffer will overwrite the return address on the stack
    • Case I: the overwritten return address is invalid -> crash (why?)
    • Case II: the overwritten return address is valid but in kernel space
    • Case III: the overwritten return address is valid, but points to data
    • Case IV: the overwritten return address happens to be a valid one

我们得精确地覆盖到 retaddr,且精确控制新的 retaddr 往哪跳

How To Exploit

We can overwrite the return address on the stack to shellcode



shellcode =

b'\x6a\x42\x58\xfe\xc4\x48\x99\x52\x48\xbf\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x57\x54\x5e\x49\x89\xd0\x49\x89 \xd2\x0f\x05'



  • 三种思路
    • 避免程序本身有漏洞
    • 承认程序有漏洞,提高攻击代价
    • 限制权限,降低攻击效果


Address space layout randomization (ASLR) 地址空间随机化

ASLR randomly arranges the address space positions of key data areas of a process, including the base of the executable and the positions of the stack, heap and libraries.

Stack Guard

Put a canary between the return address

  • Canary should be random
  • The canary value should not be on the stack
    • to prevent it from being checked

When returned to the caller, the canary will be checked


